Commencing with a swift Rustscan, I uncovered a handful of accessible ports:
sudo rustscan -a -- -sC -sV -vv -oN git_nmap
The scan revealed the following open ports:
22/tcp open ssh syn-ack ttl 61 OpenSSH 8.0 (protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open http syn-ack ttl 61 nginx
26164/tcp filtered unknown admin-prohibited ttl 61
52263/tcp filtered unknown admin-prohibited ttl 61
Proceeding from the port scan results, my focus shifted to port 80, housing an HTTP web server. Upon exploration, the server redirected me to a YouTube video. To delve deeper, I employed curl and stumbled upon a noteworthy note embedded in the source code:
Subsequently, I added the domain “git.git-and-crumpets.thm” to my host configuration file, allowing me to navigate through it and unveil a Git instance:
Attempts to gain access via default credentials on the login page proved futile. Consequently, I proceeded with user registration:
Upon creating a new account with the username ‘nimda,’ I discovered two repositories within the Git platform:
Upon inspecting the ‘scones’ repository history, I unearthed a deleted commit containing a Password file, accompanied by a comment stating, "I kept the password in my avatar to be more secure."
To follow this lead, I downloaded the avatar of ‘scones’ using wget:
wget http://git.git-and-crumpets.thm/avatars/3fc2cde6ac97e8c8a0c8b202e527d56d
Examining the avatar metadata with exiftool revealed the password in the comments:
Leveraging this password, I successfully gained access to the “scones” account:
Initial access:
Upon logging into the “Scones” account, I discovered the ability to update and modify GitHooks. Further exploration into GitHooks revealed their role in customizing Git behavior:
Taking advantage of this capability, I modified the pre-receive hook, injecting a Bash reverse shell:
However, triggering the Git hook required a commit change. Unfortunately, attempts to connect on the default port 1337 were unsuccessful: 😕
Undeterred, I changed the port to an alternative, successfully establishing a connection to my netcat listener: 🙂
Navigating to the home directory, I retrieved the user flag, encoded in base64. (pwn3d!🙂)
With remote access secured, I generated an SSH key pair, adding my public key to the authorized keys for the Git user. This provided a stable SSH connection to the host:
Privilege Escalation:
As the password for the “scones” account was still elusive, I initiated manual enumeration. A crucial discovery emerged in the /var/lib/gitea/data directory
, where a hidden gitea.db
folder was located:
Leveraging SQLite3 to interact with the database file, I uncovered valuable information:
sqlite3 gitea.db
sqlite> .tables
sqlite> SELECT * FROM user;
sqlite> SELECT * FROM repository;
Exploring the repository table, I identified a hidden root database not visible through Git:
SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND tbl_name='repository';
Delving deeper, I altered the is_private property for the root repository, making it visible:
UPDATE repository SET is_private=0 WHERE id=2; #as root id =2
With this modification, the root repository became accessible in Git:
Inspecting the “dotfiles” commit in the root repository’s history, I unearthed the SSH private key for the root user:
Utilizing this private key with the passphrase “Sup3rS3cur3,” I successfully accessed the root user via SSH:
Subsequently, I retrieved the root flag, completing the privilege escalation.(pwn3d!🙂)